Pelargonium sidoides 307.39 mg/mL
120 mL
- With cup and dosing syringe
- Dye-free.
IMUNOFLAN - Pelargonium sidoides 307.39 mg/mL. INDICATIONS: Treatment of acute and chronic respiratory and ear infections, nose and throat infections such as rhinopharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and bronchitis. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Patients prone to bleeding, kidney and liver disease. Diabetes patients. Pregnancy and lactation. WARNINGS: In case of hypersensitivity to the product, it is recommended to discontinue use and consult a physician. DRUG INTERACTIONS: Do not use with anticoagulants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (such as acetylsalicylic acid) and platelet aggregation inhibiting medicinal products. POSOLOGY: Adults and children over 12 years old: ingest 7.5 mL twice a day. Children between 6 and 12 years old: ingest 5 mL twice a day. Children between 2 and 6 years old: ingest 2.5 mL twice a day. Children under 2 years old: ingest 2.5 mL once a day. ADVERSE REACTIONS: Rarely may occur red spots on the skin, shortness of breath, intestinal spasms, lack of appetite, vomiting and restlessness. MS: 1.1860.0089. SOLD UNDER MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION.
Pelargonium sidoides | It is a member of the geranium family, native of South Africa. For centuries, the roots of Pelargonium sidoides have been used in traditional South African medicine for the treatment of respiratory diseases.
The botanical name derives from Perlargonium pelargos = Greek stork, since the shape of the fruit is very similar to the shape of this bird’s beak.³
References: 1 - CONRAD, A; KOLODZIEJ, H.; SCHULZ,V. Pelargonium sidoides-extract (EPs 7630): registration confirms efficacy and safety. Wien.Med Wochenschr. 2007;157(13-14):331-336. 2 - TRUN, W.; KIDERLEN, A. F.; KOLODZIEJ, H. Nitric oxide synthase and cytokines gene expression analyses in Leishmania-infected RAW 264.7 cells treated with an extract of Pelargonium sidoides (Eps 7630). Phytomedicine 2006;13(8):570-575. 3 - Introdução a Fitoterapia: utilizando adequadamente as plantas medicinais/ 2. Ed. Colombo: Herbarium Laboratório Botânico Ltda, 2011
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