Óleo de alho Herbarium

Allium sativum
45 capsules

In capsule form it provides practical administration of the volatile oils present in the garlic bulbs.

  • 2 capsules daily
GLUTEN-FREE. MS: 4.8697.0017.

The Ministry of Health warns: There is no proven scientific evidence that this food prevents, treats or cures disease.

Allium sativum | Since the dawn of our civilization, garlic has been used by man as a culinary and therapeutic resource. Age-old recordings show that garlic has been used since BC times by the Babylonians, Chinese, Greeks, and Romans.


1 - Takahashi LS, Silva TF, Caixeta F JV. Aspectos logísticos da importação da cultura do alho no Brasil: um estudo de caso. Teor. Evid. Econ., Passo Fundo, v.9, n.17, november 2001.