Cáscara Sagrada Herbarium
Frangula purshiana 75 mg
45 hard capsules
Treatment of occasional constipation. It has a laxative effect by contact, action of increased intestinal movement and decreased absorption of water and electrolyte, which facilitates the elimination of feces.
CASCARA SAGRADA HERBARIUM - Frangula purshiana 75 mg. INDICATION: Treatment of occasional constipation. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Pregnancy, lactation, children under 12 years of age, chronic constipation, intestinal obstruction, inflammatory bowel disease, appendicitis, nephritis, hemorrhoids, cystitis, liver, kidney and heart failure. WARNINGS: This medicine should only be used if no effect has been observed by changing diet. Use of laxatives longer than recommended may cause intestinal slowness, spasms, cramps. Albuminuria, hematuria, inhibition of bowel movement and muscle weakness may occur. MS: 1.1860.0075. CASCARA SAGRADA HERBARIUM IS A DRUG. ITS USE MAY BRING RISKS. SEEK MEDICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL ADVICE. READ PACKAGE INSERT.
Cascara is a plant originating from the American Pacific Ocean region, found from the northern United States to Colombia.¹ The use of this plant began with the Indians of America and was introduced to Europe in the late 19th century. The bark, with its excellent medicinal properties, is removed from the thick trunks and branches between April and August, and then they are dried.², ³
References: 1 – Macedo EV, Gemal AL. A produção de fitomedicamentos e a Política Nacional de Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterápicos. Rev. Bras. Farm., 90(4): 290-297, 2009. 2 – Mahady GB. Cáscara Sagrada (Frangula purshiana). Encyclopedia of Dietaryt Supplements. DOI: 10.1081/E-EDS-120022096. 28 Jan 2005. 3 – Introdução à fitoterapia: utilizando adequadamente as plantas medicinais. Colombo: Herbarium Laboratório Botânico S. A., 2008.
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